Neuropsychology Center of Louisiana, LLC

Resilience After Brain Injury
A special program at NCLA
Click here for a copy of the full brochure

1) To re-establish hope
2) To rebuild cognitive skills
3) To regain emotional balance
4) To recover independent functioning 
This program is designed for individuals: 
Who have suffered from-
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Concussion (PCS)
Cardiovascular accident (CVA/Stroke)
Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)
Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIA)
Who have completed-
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Speech Therapy 
Who are in need of rehabilitation of "higher level functions," to improve-
Problem Solving
-During the first six to nine months post brain trauma, medical stabilization and the rehabilitation of gait, balance, motor functions, and speech are essential.
-These skills are often referred to as "lower level functions." 
-Frequently, that is where most outpatient day neurorehabilitation programs end. 
-Afterwards, "higher level functions" involving the restoration of logical thinking, problem solving, memory, and emotional and behavioral balance must be addressed. 
-The optimal time to rebuild these skills, which are essential for independent living, is six to twenty-four months post brain-trauma. 
-That is the focus of our new program "Resilience after Brain Injury."