Neuropsychology Center of Louisiana, LLC

NCLA Publications
Living in an Environmentally Traumatized World:
Healing Ourselves and Our Planet

Darlyne Gaynor Nemeth, Ph.D., Robert B. Hamilton, Ph.D., & Julie Kuriansky, Ph.D. (editors)

(September 2012)






     Our current world and our lives are besieged with natural disasters like tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, fires and tornados. Catastrophic oil spills, exploitation of resources and overpopulation put us and our earth at even greater risk for calamity. This eye-opening and unprecedented book offers important explanations of the changes and ongoing turmoil in our environment, as well as presenting ways in which we can cope with the short-and long-term dramatic and traumatic effects on our mental and physical heath. The chapters, by well known experts, provide a unique combination of the psychological sciences with the natural sciences in a way never before presented. Useful strategies are presented for coping with the various and constant environmental shifts, and for responsibly managing these inevitable changes.

     Living in an Environmentally Traumatized World: Healing Ourselves and Our Planet discusses recent environmental events and examines the reasons why the resulting changes are inevitable. The authors assert that people experience six universal stages when they suffer from environmental trauma: shock, survivor mode, basic needs, awareness of loss, spin and fraud, and resolution. The book presents coping strategies for navigating negative ecological shifts, and provides a plan of action for responsibly managing our environment. Additionally, profiles of indigenous people who endure under environmental adversity provide real world examples of survival.

• Expert contributors from across disciplines, including psychology as well as natural sciences such as geology, biology and climatology
• An explanation of why environmental change is inevitable and who to deal with these changes
• Exploration of psychological disorders and physical illnesses triggered by disasters, and how to cope

• Describes six universal stages of environmental trauma
• Covers a variety of environmental changes
• Details the impact of humans on each of the elements
• Explores the political agendas surrounding environmental issues


Living in an Environmentally Traumatized World: Healing Ourselves and Our Planet is now available for purchase at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Books a Million.



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ISBN: 978-0-313-39731-8